We often hear “if I let myself grieve, I’d never find my way out.”

The emotions and physical impact that come with grief can be intense. You need a quiet place where you can connect and heal, a place where you can explore and navigate your grief with someone who will help you not get lost or drown in it.

Contrary to popular belief, grief doesn’t happen in predictable or measurable stages. Each person’s response is unique. It is big, unpredictable, and, like a wave, it relentlessly keeps coming. Oftentimes, the world around us desperately wants us to “get over it” and return to normal, productive, happy lives. This can create an even greater sense of isolation in a world that is forever changed.

The therapists at Resilience know that grief has to be carried. The one thing that would make it go away, is the one thing that cannot happen. We help you bear the unbearable and find refuge. Nothing can erase your memories, both the beautiful and the painful. However, you must find a way, your way, to carry them forward into the life ahead.

Whether, your loss was recent or a long time ago, no matter who (or what) you've lost, we’ll be beside you as the waves hit.

Resilience Austin Therapists that work with Grief and Loss:

We work with the following events of grief and loss

  • the death of a parent, child, sibling, spouse/partner, family member or close friend

  • anticipatory loss

  • those who have lost someone to suicide

  • the loss of a pet